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24 Miss Wellino
S e. Wellino Boko – Miss Julita e. Make it Happen
104 Whirlwind
S e. GooGoo Gaagaa – Storm Surge e. Muscle Hill
110 Bottnas Lance
H e. Scarlet Knight – Ulka d’Ourville (FR) e. Gai Brilliant
114 Setting Sun
H e. Brillantissime – VästerboViVinnare e. Mr Vic
139 Västerbo Hannibal
H e. Walk the Walk – Västerbo Cahlua e. Quevert
149 Västerbo Aramis
H e. Mister J.P. – VästerboDayofHope e. Credit Winner
170 Bottnas Liqueur
H e. Campo Bahia – Kax the Flax e. Love You
176 San Donato
H e. Donato Hanover – Dark Matter e. Explosive Matter
226 VästerboFlyByNight
S e. Campo Bahia – VästerboStreetlite e. Viking’s Way
232 A Perfect Feeling
S e. Perfect Spirit – Unchained Feelings e. Maharajah
249 Västerbo Mahogny
S e. Charly du Noyer – Chakaranda D. e. Spotlite Lobell
290 Eddie B.J.
H e. Executive Caviar – Gloire d’ Inverne e. Sugar Trader
321 Qourtney B.J.
S e. Ken Warkentin – Qourtney Cox e. Orlando Vici